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I'll always need you...

This past week has been emotional. Summer came to a close. Fears and unknowns of what junior high would bring for my oldest sinking in. Reality hitting me when we walked his schedule Monday and found his locker. Younger Miles telling me repeatedly how proud he is of Finn going into Jr. High and how great it is that he has his own locker. Always admiring and looking up to his big brother. Then the icing on the cake was when Finn gently touched my leg this morning to wake me (just minutes before my alarm was set to go off)..."mom, I just wanted to make sure you had enough time to get ready before we have to leave." His hair styled, teeth brushed, uniform on, smelled good...oh my heart, how the tables have turned. I went out to the kitchen to make his breakfast only to find he already had. I got dressed and ready as I could sense his excitement for the day and it it continues to do...he's one step closer to leaving me. Hot tears stream my cheeks as I try to a
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